Uses the therapeutic, psychological, and physiological properties of pure essence oils through different methods such as: inhalations, diffusers, compresses, aromatherapeutic massages and mud poultices (in specific zones) to reach the balance between the body, mind, spirit, and obtain health.
Botanical Medicine
It is the use of plants or their derivatives, with medicinal properties, for the treatment of diseases. It has various ways of application such as in the form of tea infusions, capsules, injections, tinctures, suppositories, compresses, baths or creams. It is also known as herbology or phytotherapy.
Clinical Nutrition
It is complementary to nutrition with food supplements such as vitamins and minerals through oral or injectable means to treat different diseases.
Conventional Primary Medicine
When conventional medical care is offered by specialists in family medicine, Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Medical treatment technique that uses a special sleep state or an active sleep where some of the active foci of the brain can be partially inhibited, unlike regular sleep where the brain is inhibited in a general manner, hypnotherapy is used to treat some emotional and physical conditions.
Integral and Complementary Health
It is the use of conventional medicine, in conjunction with therapies, treatments, modalities, and therapeutic approaches, based on the scientific method, which propitiate a person’s optimum health condition, even within the limitations that a health condition can present. Its main goal is to prevent the illness and, in the event it should occur, the coordinated intervention of this set of therapies to restore the person’s physical, mental and spiritual health.
Medical Acupunture
Acupuncture is based on the body’s capacity to regenerate and cure itself through stimuli produced by the insertion and manipulation of needles or other instrument in certain points of the skin. These points have been clinically defined with therapeutic purposes.
Music Therapy
Uses music with a therapeutic purpose. It is a specialty oriented toward an opening in the communication channels through sound, rhythm, gestures, movements and silence, at a psychological, physical and cognitive level. Music therapy has a wide application in mental conditions, addictions, depressive conditions, hyper or hypo activity, among others.
Naturopathic Medicine
It is medical attention system, based on the principles of stimulation of the innate healing power of the body and nature in order to teach the patient so that he/she can take care of his/her own health. It uses botanical medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy and acupuncture, among other therapies to take care of the patient’s health conditions.
Pranic Healing
This is the treatment of different health conditions by balancing vital energy that surrounds our body or that our body possesses internally. This therapeutic method is based on the idea that the body possesses an energy that gives it life and which many scientist call electromagnetic energy or bioenergy. The therapist works with the patient’s energy with the main purpose of improving their general health condition.
It is a specialized technique that is aimed at offering treatment for various health conditions through the activation of acupressure points in the feet and hands. Said technique is based on the use of body maps with the Chinese Traditional Medicine’s acupuncture points.
Therapeutic Massage
This massage is based on the conception of the human being as a whole and regards the illness as the break-up of the constant flow of energy, nutrients and well-being that ensure the person’s optimum health condition. Through a combination of specialized techniques, the hands, elbows and other auxiliary instruments are used to activate blood flow and energy necessary for the patient’s reconstitution.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
It is a group of healing methods and techniques based on the healing principles of traditional Chinese medicine. This healing system possesses various modalities such as stimulation of the acupuncture points through various techniques such as needles, laser, electricity heat, massages (acupressure), magnets, bleedings, injections, Chinese herbs, nutrition, oriental feeding, oriental massage (Tuina) and exercises ( Qi gong, Tai-chi).
*The modalities offered by the centers may vary. For more information, you can communicate directly with the establishment.