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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I know if I qualify for the MCS Classicare Te Paga card?

    By 2025, the MCS Classicare Te Paga card benefit will apply to all MCS Classicare Platino members without the need to qualify for special supplemental benefits.

    In the case of the rest of the individual coverage (Non Platino and CSNPs), this benefit will be available to those members who meet the eligibility criteria established under SSBCI (special supplemental benefits) and Additional Benefits under the VBID Model.

  2. How much will I receive for the MCS Classicare Te Paga card allowance?

    The amount you will receive as a benefit will depend on the product you are enrolled in. See your Evidence of Coverage for more details. You can also check your MCS Classicare Te Paga card balance by calling 787-281-8514, visiting Banco Popular de Puerto Rico ATMs or through the MiMCS application.

  3. How can I use my MCS Classicare Te Paga card?

    You’ll receive a sealed envelope with your PIN. With this number, the card will be ready to use. You don’t need to call to activate it.

    If you haven’t received the sealed envelope with your PIN, just follow these steps:
    • Call 787.28I.8514.
    • Enter the last 7 digits of your MCS Classicare Te Paga card.
    • Press the asterisk (*) to get your PIN.
    • Enter the last 4 digits of your MCS Classicare member number (contract). Do not include the last two zeros.
    • Enter all six digits of your date of birth: 2 digits for the day, 2 digits for the month, and 2 digits for the year.
    • Press 1 to get your PIN number...

    If you already have the MCS MCS Classicare Te Paga card, your current card expires on December 31, 2024 . The replacement card is effective January 1, 2025.Your PIN number remains the same.

  4. How often will I receive the allocation on the MCS Classicare Te Paga card?

    For 2025, the benefits for the MCS Classicare Te Paga card is monthly. See your Evidence of Coverage for details.

  5. How can I check my MCS Classicare Te Paga card balance?

    New 2024:
    To check the balance of your MCS Classicare Te Paga card:
    • Call 787-281-8514
    • Visit Banco Popular de Puerto Rico's ATMs network.
    • Through the MiMCS application.

    Te Paga Card for Individual Coverages The benefits mentioned are a part of special supplemental program for members with chronic diseases, such as: Cardiovascular disorders, Hypertension, Diabetes, Chronic and disabling mental health conditions, chronic kidney disease and other conditions not listed. Eligibility cannot be guaranteed based solely on your condition. All applicable eligibility requirements must be met before the benefit is provided. For details, please contact us.

    Te Paga Card for Platino Coverages Amounts may vary per coverage. If you have questions, need materials on a standing basis in alternate formats and/or languages or need oral interpretation services, you can call us at 1.866.627.8183 (TTY: 1.866.627.8182). The benefit cannot be used for cash withdrawal and to buy alcohol beverages nor tobacco, or its derivatives.

Contact us

If you have any question about our health coverage,
you may contact us at

Client Service


787.620.2530 (Metro Area)
1.866.627.8183 (Toll Free)


Hearing impaired people (TTY):

1st of Octuber to 31 of March
Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1st of April to 30 of September
Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Orientation and Sales


787.620.2528 (Metro Area)
1.866.627.8181 (Toll Free)


Hearing impaired people (TTY):

1st of Octuber to 31 of March Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
1st of April to 30 de September Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Providers Service


787.620.2535 (Metro Area)
1.800.981.4766 (Toll Free)

Monday to Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.