The is no charge for verifying your balance.
To activate or change your PIN, call MCS Classicare automated answering service at787.281.8514.
To pay your water, electricity and/or phone with the MCS Classicare Te Paga card, you have two options:
For information on purchases or payments made with your MCS Classicare Te Paga card, call MCS Classicare automated answering service at 787.281.8514. Remember, you cannot withdraw cash with your card.
MCS Classicare is a product subscribed by MCS Advantage, Inc. To be eligible, you must meet one or more comorbid chronic conditions, high risk of hospitalization and must require intensive care coordination. You have a quarterly contribution to be used in purchase of healthy foods, payment of electricity, water and/or telephone through participating suppliers. If you do not use the full quarterly MCS Classicare Te Paga card amount, the remaining balance does not accumulate for use during the next quarter. Certain restrictions apply.