We are committed to conducting our business in an ethical manner and in compliance with all applicable federal and Commonwealth of Puerto Rico laws and regulations. As part of our efforts to promote a culture of compliance, we have established this web page and a dedicated Compliance Reporting Program Hotline to provide you with tools to report actual or potential troubling issues regarding Compliance, Fraud, Abuse and Security. If you are aware of a situation that could be a potential compliance violation, but you are not sure about it, let us help you. Just call us for guidance at our Compliance Reporting Program Hotline 1-877-627-0004 or report it thru this web page and we will work with you on your concern.
If you click this link, you will be leaving the MCS Classicare Website and lead you to the Compliance Program website.
MCS complies with federal and state regulations establishing that any person and/or entity must report any suspected fraud, abuse and/or waste against the Medicare and/or Medicaid program. In compliance with federal and state regulations, MCS will protect anyone who, in good faith, reports suspected fraud, abuse and/or waste.
It is important that you refer any situation to MCS you believe is and/or could affect its healthcare services by identifying and/or reporting any suspicious fraud, abuse and/or waste to MCS and/or any federal and/or local agency.
Remember, you can report any real or potential non-compliance, financial exploitation, fraud, abuse and/or waste situation through our confidential ACTright reporting lines:
Website: mcs.com.prE-mail: mcscompliance@medicalcardsystem.comConfidential Line: 1.877.MCS.0004 (1.877.627.0004)